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Ancora 1


Diogenes went around with the lantern saying: “I'm looking for the man…”… he didn't say “I'm looking for the hen, the giraffe, the ant, the rhinoceros, the ibex…”, no! He said: “I'm looking for the man…”. Because it is the man who got lost.

Is man the most evolved animal? The answer to this question would seem completely obvious… and yet, if you think about it, you can only satire on men! In fact, comedy and satire exist because of the contradictions of man and the social structure he has created.

My existential satire is an observation on the evil of living peculiar to the human being in antithesis to the instinctive wisdom of animals that the "animal-man" ignores, because he is too intent on his own self-celebration, by virtue of which he considers himself arrogantly superior to all other living beings.

My message is an invitation to become aware of the dramatic situation caused by the egoistic-consumerist-materialistic mentality, from which we can free ourselves, in my opinion, by tuning the antennas of our intelligence to the High Frequencies of the Deep Teachings of the Great Sages that have appeared. on Earth over the millennia.

By awakening the slumbering Spiritual Intelligence it will be possible to get out of the muddy swamp in which the human species trudges - complicated life with superficial thought - to get to live a simple life with high thought, thus obtaining the inner peace that allows you to be truly happy, because in continuous connection with the Divine.

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