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Ancora 1




The comedian is a tightrope walker who moves on invisible giles

In the research he is conducting in collaboration with me, Mario Pascariello works with dedication to be able to express his existential-spiritual vision with his "natural" comic-satirical expressiveness, in a continuous effort to purify his natural theatricality from any "recitative artifice" , in accordance with the guiding principle: “at least in the theater… we don't do theater!”. With his "wild" expressiveness he tries to communicate his own reflections, arising from the observation of existence, without intellectualistic mediations and rhetorical artifices. Pascariello expresses with a “theatricality without acting” what he feels, what he observes, what he thinks, in a direct, mellow, vital, sardonic and playful, comic but serious way.

In the third work that we will bring to the debut next autumn, we continue the type of work undertaken with the first two works, "I'm bad out" and "Either you are busy Or you are unemployed" (we were men ... we became workers ...).

Mario Pascariello , before his debut in the theater, had expressed his comic-satirical vis in the existential flow, and this is a rather unprecedented peculiarity because, as far as I am aware, in general the Comedians are not comedians in existence, but only on the stage or in the cinema.

Our artistic work has consisted and essentially consists in "transferring" the comedian / satyr Pascariello from the existential stage to the scenic one, from "live" comedian / satyr to "live" comedian / satyr;

this operation can be defined as a progressive deepening of knowledge and interpenetration between two distinct worlds, albeit with many similarities: the existential satirical comic and the form-theater. My work as a director was and is first and foremost an ambassador's work: I became a spokesperson for the theater universe, striving to gradually dissolve those mistrust and distances that initially characterized the existential comedian / satyr, striving to understand nature more and more. and the "mechanisms" of its "functioning", in order to seek in an ever more harmonious way a synergistic fusion between the two worlds.

The goal is to create, in cooperation and in dialectic with Mario, a unique world where the Pascariellian comic fluid can flow free and vital inside and outside the rules of the scenic language, impregnating and absorbing it at the same time, enriching and revitalizing it at the same time. in accordance with the principle that talent must know the rules in order to be able to overcome them, rewrite them, replace them with new rules, those of its mysterious inspiration: not “doing theater”, but “being theater”.

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